tv: csi:ny, lists are fun, dvds are my crack, law & course, my sport is to babble, fangirliness, football, generic tv babble, tv: in plain sight, tv: castle, tv: the mentalist, squee!, tv: generation kill, world cup '06

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  • c'est fini.

    jujubinha Jul 01, 2006 18:18

    Oh FUCK.


    And once again, Brazil refuses to show up in the field against France. Because that was a one team match.

    If the team wasn't playing well so far... well, today it was unrecognizable.

    It is sad to know that a team full of promises, with so many wonderful players, failed to play beautifully. We didn't play well at all in this ( Read more... )

    football, world cup '06, woes

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  • The One With The Worry.

    jujubinha Jun 28, 2006 21:19

    Maldini, my laptop, has been acting less than stellar ever since last year, that's not a surprise to anyone who has followed my incredible (chaotic!) adventures with it. So whenever something weird happens, of course I panic. And something weird happened today - after updating Windows on those time-to-time automatic updates, I had to restart my ( Read more... )

    football, maldini issues, world cup '06, law & course

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  • aiaiaiai...

    jujubinha Jun 27, 2006 12:54

    Oh Lord.


    So it seems that just like yesterday, OUR goal in the 46th minute was also illegal.

    Good thing that our first one was very OK, thankyouverymuch.

    And thank God for Dida.


    Aaaaaaand. More 45 minutes to destroy my fingernails.


    Edited to add: *EEEEE!* 3x0! Woo-hoo ( Read more... )

    football, world cup '06

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  • Hmm.

    jujubinha Jun 27, 2006 00:36

    Let's see...

    1) I'm spamming (duh);
    2) I have a HUGE chocolate craving right now;
    3) I posted cover songs at emepebe (*pokes*);
    4) I'm procrastinating with my legal projects again, and it will kick me in the ass tomorrow;
    5) I'm nervous about tomorrow's game, especially after my dream the other day.



    Happy birthday, jenahville! All the best for you, ( Read more... )

    football, hi i'm random, lists are fun, they say it's your birthday, world cup '06, music for the people

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  • Random WC comments.

    jujubinha Jun 26, 2006 13:27

    Dude. Australia is the most overrated, anti-sportsmanlike, benefitted by referees team EVAH.

    Lose. Lose, lose, lose, dammit.

    They lost!

    And it wasn't even a penalty! Ha ha fucking ha! Nice to see them tasting a their own poison!


    On lighter notes: happy birthday silvertaste! All the best to you! Yay! ;)

    football, they say it's your birthday, world cup '06

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  • *title*

    jujubinha Jun 25, 2006 17:15

    Heh. Hehe. I'm incredibly amused watching Scolari's (a.k.a. Felipão, a.k.a. Big Phil) antics during Portugal's match... How come I never noticed those before? Well, probably because when he was making those antics during Brazil's game in the last WC, I was doing some of my own screaming, jumping, you know, the whole drama queen act I usually have ( Read more... )

    football, tv: alias, tv: the x-files, world cup '06, law & course, freaky dreams

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  • The one with the crotchet.

    jujubinha Jun 24, 2006 16:50

    I spoke so much about the last Brazilian game *before* it started, and didn't even type a word here about how it was. But I've already rambled about it in other people's journal (sorry about that, by the way), so suffice to say: Juninho! Juninho! Juninho! *EEE ( Read more... )

    football, tv: alias, hi i'm random, world cup '06, law & course, freaky dreams

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  • Yet another football induced post.

    jujubinha Jun 22, 2006 15:00

    So. There's still an hour until the next game, and people are already going crazy with the horns and bugles. Geez. And that's because Brazil is already guaranteed in the next phase. I cannot even begin to image how things will be next week - hopefully on Tuesday ( Read more... )

    football, world cup '06, fangirliness

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  • Ahhhh, the tiredness of it all.

    jujubinha Jun 20, 2006 16:09

    You know what I need? Well, apart from the really important things, I mean ( Read more... )

    football, hi i'm random, world cup '06, boredom of doom

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